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    Esil Dyuran

    Without You Favorite


    Spring, summer, autumn, winter I’m in a fog,
    whole year went, if was not.
    I have no strength for anything I do I do not care, I do not care.

    without you, favorite, favorite without you, without you
    favorite, life is this?
    without you, my love, without you, my love,
    without you, my love, loneliness. /

    you for nothing blame, maybe my destiny,
    I do not feel that I can not laugh and grieve.
    you for nothing blame perhaps my destiny,
    me that love is gone.

    without you, my love, without you, my love,
    without you, my love, loneliness.

    I want to forget everything, I owe nothing,
    I fall in love again without any lie.
    want, but this wound still hurts terribly, terribly hurt.without you, favorite, favorite without you, without you
    favorite, life is this?
    without you, my love, without you, my love,
    without you, my love, loneliness.


    without you, my love, without you, my love,
    without you, my love, loneliness.