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    Esil Dyuran

    Another'm Now


    Listen, this is no time for meetings,
    fire in me now burning.
    hate hot words later,
    words, that hurt.

    no fire, and we have two,
    love was fraud.
    It will hardly lit
    tired hearts.

    Do not chastise me with romantic words,
    not remind me of old things.
    Even if you know you still love me, another
    I am now.

    Do not chastise me with romantic words, not
    remind me of the old stuff.
    Even if you know you still love me, another
    I am now.

    I know jealousy is they pricked,
    see how shooting with me eyes.
    suffer it without you Agim happy,
    even laughter you bitter.

    no fire, and we have two,
    love was fraud.
    It will hardly lit
    tired hearts.

    not chastise me with romantic words,
    not remind me old things.
    Even if you know you still love me, another
    I am now.

    another’m now !!!