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    Esil Dyuran

    Diamond (remix)


    I’m here now and I will not stop
    with you I dance.
    Your hands make me burn,
    to shine like a diamond.
    strong aroma of male perfume
    have in my hair …
    Nothing that another here you come,
    with me will leave you! Watch
    only me, only me -
    no, no, do not be so embarrassed!
    waiting for us on the night thousand things!

    in my eyes diamond shines,
    know only that you glow.
    I want something and it’s you,
    tonight be with me!

    I am here now and I will not stop
    with you I dance.
    your hands make me burn,
    to shine like a diamond.
    strong aroma of male perfume
    have in my hair …
    Nothing that another here you come, with
    me will leave you! Watch
    only me, only
    me- no, no, do not be so embarrassed!
    waiting for us on the night thousand things!

    in my eyes shine,
    under my feet burning,
    and my heart whispers:
    “Just Be with me now!”