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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Galena and Fiki



    Do not go, do not leave yet!
    For us there is much love,
    only you, only you own me ..
    and only you know me pretty darn good!

    From your love is my first gray hair,
    count me young, but inside I’m 100!
    from the murderous Thy love, only!

    from your love of bones and skin color became,
    your love has long ceased to sleep!
    understand well that we have to stop,
    not need me - not to me is your place!

    But who ask who agrees with you even being unhappy?
    Who knows which of you every scar, every wound?
    Who, who, who top our cursed such love,
    that dying there, but quitting no?!

    Try it without me, though I hurt him! Try
    after me with others to be close ..
    not look back to our hell, live stubborn!

    And if a woman break your heart in you,
    not wait, come on - take heart from me! Try it without
    I even half-dead to be happy
    not to me is your place!

    But who ask who agrees with you even being unhappy?
    Who knows which of you every scar, every wound?
    Who, who, who top cursed us with such love, that
    dying to have, but quitting no?!

    And only you, only you, only you own me!
    only you, only you, only you .. to the end!

    But who ask who is without sin - to tell me when I meet
     ?! Who, who has the right to destroy such love?
    Who, who, who looked to be you go, I go?
    Nothing want - only you I am to the end!