Galena and Sergio
Galena and Sergio - Panther
Galena: Wild, wild like a panther, panther
get in your hands.
Wild panther panther me you’re doing!
As panther pa-pa-panther - prey like you,
love this panther will eat you!
Galena: My breed - predatory cats,
only when we sleep quiet!
Do you still claw marks,
want me whole!
Galena: wild, wild like a panther, panther
get in your hands.
Wild panther, panther me you’re doing!
like a panther, pa-pa-panther - prey like you,
love this panther will eat you!
Sergio: /
Galena: can at your feet to purr, I
with them go crazy.
There’m good girl,
with bad habits!
Galena: wild, wild like a panther, panther
get in your hands.
wild panther panther me you’re doing! as
panther, pa-pa-panther - prey like you,
love this panther will eat you!