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    I Really Go


    Yee, Yee, yeah …

    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..
    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..
    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..

    Look at me, fire and water can gather … (Yeyey)
    Instead of blood in my body even gasoline will burn
    … You quench, go on ! You and more …
    Go! Hard night!
    With crazy like me, poor like me …
    bad as me … eee!

    you, you, you, you I really go!
    you, you, you, you want to have me!
    you, you, you, you no one else can .. .
    my heart shook him like you! / X2

    Hold my hair, strong stretch, breathe behind me … (Yeyey)
    Roughly Grit me mad kiss me again .. Bite
    right, keep going! You and more …
    Go! It is difficult night!
    With crazy like me hot like me …
    bad as me … eee!

    Come on!
    Chick, Chick, Chick. .. Lyle Chiki! ..
    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..
    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..
    my heart shook him like you!

    Come on!
    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..
    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..
    Chick, Chick, Chick … Lyle Chiki! ..
    This is my club …

    You, you, you, you I really go!
    You, you, you, you want to have me!
    you, you, you, you no one else can …
    my heart shook him like you! / x2