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    The Other Part


    I will go away - thinking out loud …
    was my other half,
    were happy, had a sense it ..
    I believed that I am with you more, I,
    was my other half ..
    have to get used to be happy alone ..

    And every path from here will continue ..
    no one another does not belong ..
    But parts of me you go back ..
    a was for me the whole world ..

    In a .. In a
    .. Remember you with one that we were?
    body of how two divided?
    part of you in my body ..
    will never let my heart
    to lose you and another part of yourself ..

    He came to me the hard part ..
    part of me believed in us ..
    I did not know it would happen so ..

    And each way from here will continue ..
    will never be as before ..
    a part of you .. I go back ..

    With you one .. in one. .
    body of how two divided?
    part of you in my body ..
    will never let my heart
    to lose you and another part of yourself ..

    Everyone your truth, your not alone ..
    it worth to really be part of this?
    Each has its truth .. Did you love me true?
    Was it meaningless? .. /

    with you one .. in a
    .. Do you remember with you one that we were?
    Body of how two divided?
    part of you remain before ..
    will never let my heart
    to lose you and another part of myself …