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    Separation Does Not Hurt


    No tears in my eyes,
    you in the dust made them,
    when he left home at the end
    is any separation and memories hurt.

    breaks my heart does not stop
    and piece by piece all the feelings
    collected. My weakness and your
    force our love is exchanged.

    My tears are not yours, my heart
    me fight, and your voice spoke to me
    you forgive. My tears are not yours,
    my heart forever argue separation does not hurt, hurt love.

    I look at life sidelines all the time passes by me,
    who I do not know of It smells and memories hurt.
    breaks my heart did not stop and piece by piece all the feelings collected.
    my weakness and your strength our love is exchanged.

    My tears are not yours, my heart
    me fight, and your voice spoke to me
    you forgive. My tears are not yours,
    my heart forever argue separation does not hurt, hurt love.