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1:00s – 5:00s




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    Dirty Dancing


    Your eyes shine in the dark and again you another
    recognize the shapes again with her here
    Until the pain imagine until madness two bodies
    Temptation says they want - come! /

    We will find you resting?
    I only mine!

    If you want dirty dancing now come,
    if she wants to watch her work.
    First rule it is - no rules!
    is high time to take anything from the night!

    it’s time to feel that it is not desirable again
    and do not want me interferes with, wait for your sign!
    It breaks my landscape, it quickly fuck you,
    you want to punish our games.

    we will find you resting? I
    not just mine!

    If you want dirty dancing now come,
    if she wants to watch her work.
    First rule it is - no rules!
    high time to pick up everything from night!

    We will find you resting?
    I only mine!

    If you want dirty dancing now come,
    if she wants to watch her work.
    First rule it is - no rules!
    is high time to take anything from the night!