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    At Best Shooters


    It is easy in you to love me,
    damn good kisser.
    ’s hard not to want to
    moment you realize.

    Droga, you can drunk,
    then slowly killing.
    with lies to me suffocating
    to you to obey me.

    Shoot without mercy, without a hitch, but
    It is a hard and made a mistake.
    There are better shooters than you, know.
    they leave me! (x2)

    Go, forget me please!
    leave me alone, get his lies.
    want their luster in the eyes.

    go, leave me, please!
    Forget me, get your and lies,
    want their luster in the eyes.

    all the tenderness in my hands,
    all the madness in my blood.
    whole - I gave it to you!
    what do you give me?

    Love lies in my back,
    every moment in the war turned.
    you see - I can not leave,
    anything that, I’m madly in love.

    Shoot without mercy, without a hitch,
    but to me it is hard and made a mistake.
    There are better shooters than you, know.
    leave me! (x2) /

    Chorus: (x2)