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    Sand Towers


    Tell me you walking on quicksand?
    very scary is how sank for a moment into them.
    So I feel insecure in you and in us.
    no ground under me and engulfed day by day.
    Sand towers your feelings are
    -dnes are beautiful, not tomorrow.

    are you with me or against me?
    enemy you or my baby?
    close, but so far his light-years.
    Honestly you want to tell?
    better to split
    and hopefully understand what I am for you, what you
    for me.

    What exactly do you want? Do not
    I understand, I tell you.
    again to fire and cold, though his gentle and rough with me.
    St. promise me create my illusions,
    to enjoy what will destroy them for a day .
    Sand towers, otherwise my
    Dal today hopes tomorrow are mud.

    are you with me or against me?
    enemy you or my baby?
    close, but so far his light-years.
    Honestly you want to tell?
    better to split
    and hopefully understand what I am for you, what you
    for me.

    I know by now that I need to be here,
    even kazvam- “Go”, do not want it,
    and whether you knew it?